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Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park boasts some of the highest animal densities and most stunning landscapes in Tanzania. Its proximity to Arusha makes it easily accessible, and it's often combined with the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, completing Tanzania's northern safari circuit. Tarangire is the sixth biggest park in Tanzania at 2,850 km². It takes its name - as well as its game wealth - from the Tarangire River which flows through the park, attracting elephants and many other animals.

Dry savannah landscapes, baobab forests, and elephant herds are all part of the splendor of the Tarangire National Park. This park is a quiet, wooded savannah, where a rich variety of thriving fauna – including tree-climbing lions – can be spotted from open vehicles. Add African bush elephants, plains zebras, Masai giraffes, impalas, blue wildebeest, buffaloes, bush pigs, common elands, common waterbucks, and Tarangire is a quadruped-rich environment.

Birds can also be found on many of the wetter banks of the Tarangire River. Keep an eye out for brilliantly-colored parakeets known as lovebirds. In the north of Tarangire National Park, the majestic baobab trees are among the finest examples of this species anywhere.

Tarangire National Park is part of Tanzania’s northern safari circuit that also includes Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro, and the Serengeti. Tanzania’s sixth largest park, Tarangire has excellent wildlife densities and great accommodation options.

The vast grasslands and Baobab trees create a rugged, ‘Out of Africa’ feel that’s quite distinct amongst Tanzania’s national parks.


Night Game Drive
Tarangire National Park
Tarangire National Park
Walking Safari
Tarangire National Park
Primate Trekking
Tarangire National Park
Game Drive
Tarangire National Park

Best Time To Visit:

The Best Time To Visit Tarangire National Park is during the dry season from June to October. These are the best months for wildlife due to migratory patterns, and the short grasses make game viewing even easier.

To see the big herds of elephants, we recommend visiting towards the latter period of the dry season (September/October). November can be especially cheap, as it is out of peak season but tends to still be quite dry before the short rains hit. The low season, from late November to May, is great for bird watching as the area is wet, green, and luscious.